Harper Adams University
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  • Harper Adams University
  • As the population grows, so do our demands on the planet. Managing this resource has never been so important.

    Since it was founded in 1901, Harper has been designed to meet this challenge. Set on a 635 hectare farm, we are the leading specialist university tackling the future development of our planet's food production, processing, animal sciences, engineering, land management and sustainable business.

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Harper Adams University

As the population grows, so do our demands on the planet. Managing this resource has never been so important.

Since it was founded in 1901, Harper has been designed to meet this challenge. Set on a 635 hectare farm, we are the leading specialist university tackling the future development of our planet's food production, processing, animal sciences, engineering, land management and sustainable business.

{{floorPlan.name}} FL. {{floor.floorName}}

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  • {{track.currentTime | trackTime}}
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Harper Adams University
Harper Adams
Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom
{{floorPlan.name}} [{{floor.floorName}}]
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    Harper Adams
    Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom
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    Welcome to Harper Adams University